Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rainbows End

For Scorpio son's 7th birthday, we went to Rainbows End, our local theme park. It was a huge success and he had no fear, wanting to ride everything possible. He has bombarded everyone he meets since to ask if they've been there, and what their favourite ride is. Of course he's hanging out big time for another visit. Here they are above with Rai and Bow the welcoming committee....

Flying Low.......

Log Flume.......

Tiger Woods.......

Steve Williams.......

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow....

or Morning, Noon and Night, I believe this shrub is known as. The flowers start out purple and then fade to light lavender and then white. This shrub sits behind our front gate, and I thought due to it's name, that it was an apt place for our "Welcome Friends" plaque (another lovely presie from the States...thanks Chris).

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Trick for Treat...

Halloween is not a very celebrated tradition in NZ, although some try to adopt it. Dad and Monique had a trip to the States Sep/Oct and back with them, came presies for the kids - lots of Halloween garb, including these outfits. Nana took the lads down the road for a walk in their costumes and when they returned we had some local kids knock on our door trick or treating. When I asked them what their "trick for treat" was - they performed an awesome haka!! (traditional Maori dance form). It was a terrific treat for us, earned them lots of applause, and of course - some special American Halloween "candy".

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Angels Brought Me Here....

Cheeky NFS (just guess which one she is in this pic), Mel Angel, Angel J and I, got together a few months back for a womens retreat. It was "food for the soul" and we had a wonderful host at the backpackers in Port Waikato, south west of Auckland. Other women of like minds attended, and we were treated to a relaxing weekend, void of all "big city hype" and normal daily routine/responsibilities. Davy was a blessing looking after Scorpio Son and Piscies Lad in my absence.

Beaut West Coast

A calm day on the West Coast, very therapeutic it was, trekking along the sandy shore.

A Special Soul

Angel J (thoughtful enviro woman) and I, took a walk to the beach one afternoon - her with bucket in hand (to collect any rubbish we happened upon, and to collect treasures) and I with the backpacker dog in hand (he took me for a walk!!).

Everything's a Phallic Symbol.....

Oh what a find!! - trust me to spot it....hmmmmmnnnnn - made me laugh, but then what doesn't? And I didn't even try to bring it home......


Not that we were asked for one, but if I was, I believe this etching that I made in the sand at the beach that weekend would represent my life's mission statement. Live, Laugh, Love!